Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton
invites you to a
National Capital Parks-East Town Hall Meeting
Tuesday, October 14, 2014
6:30 PM - 8:30 PM
THEARC, 1901 Mississippi Avenue SE, Washington, DC 20032
Discuss the Future of Federal Parkland in Wards 7 & 8 with the National Park Service
Learn about Future Developments and Plans.
Address the Outlined Needs of the Federal Parks East of the
Bring your Suggestions for Improving Your Parkland in Wards 7 & 8
Join the Discussion with:
Gopaul Noojibail, Superintendent, National Capital Parks East
Nathan Harrington, Chair, Committee to Restore Shepherd Parkway
Steve Coleman, Director, Washington Parks & People
Scott Kratz, Director, 11th Street Bridge Park Project
For more information, please contact our District Office at (202) 408
-9041 or at NortonEvents@Mail.House.Gov