Monday, June 10, 2013

Bloggin' About It

In 2011, when we began working intensively to restore Shepherd Parkway, the park was invisible on online. A web search for Shepherd Parkway turned up almost nothing.

In celebration of our growing web presence, we thought we’d share a few of the website and blogs that are helping spread the word.

Julie Kutruff, the dedicated and dynamic site supervisor for national parks in Wards 7 and 8, spearheaded the creation of an official NPS website for Shepherd Parkway, complete with a wildlife guide and historical photographs.

The Restore Shepherd Parkway Facebook Group has been replaced by a much more user-friendly “Like Page.” Click here to Like it now!

In the last two years, hundreds of volunteers have worked in the park, and many of them have shared their experience on the net. Here are three of my favorites:

Perhaps most enlightening of all is the Shepherd Parkway Study Area Landscape Assessment Plan commissioned by the General Service Administration as part of the project to turn the West Campus of the old St. Elizabeths Hospital into the headquarters of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.